Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Happy December!

Just a few things:

Table cloths make great tree skirts.  I will make one later- for now, red table cloth arranged in a circular fashion at the base of my tree works wonderfully.

Don't hide presents to wrap in your child's room when you plan to wrap them during nap time.

Get a stocking hanger from Kirkland's if you don't have a mantel.  
Resisting the urge to hang lights on the inside of your living room is not easy when you love Christmas.

I bought a Christmas Sweater.  It has gold Christmas trees on it.  C says this makes me an old lady.  I say it makes me a happy old lady that's going to bake him and Santa lots of cookies, embrace it.

Decorating your home with command hooks isn't as easy as it sounds.

Ava's birthday is tomorrow!

I've been so busy wrapping Christmas presents.. I haven't wrapped any hot pink birthday girl presents yet!

It might have to wait until tomorrow though...  because...

My Mom is flying in tonight!  Wahoo!

We might drink tea, make lentil soup and play a lot with Pumpkin  Hopefully she will help me re-tie the bow I tried to make pretty enough for the top of the tree. I finally got it "better" than what it was..  But it's still pretty pathetic.  Did you see it up there?


krhahn300 said...

I so love this makes me feel closer to you, even though you are on the other side of the world. Happy Birthday Ava! Merry Christmas Hill Family! P.S. Do whatever your heart tells you to. If that big ole heart tells you to hang icicle lights around the perimeter of your living room....well....I say go for it!

Anonymous said...

I think everything looks beautiful! You have done a super job of making everything look so warm and welcoming - and Christmassy.

