Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Pioneer Woman

is doing a give away!

First off, let me start by telling you how much I am in love with this lady.

She has four children, a husband who she calls Malboro Man, and she home  schools, bakes, cooks does photography and then blogs about her life in the Oklahoma Country in  her own hilarious style.  I have to admit, I've never met her, but I feel like I know her.  Like we cook together on the weekends.  Like every time I check her blog I am calling her saying " Oh hey, Ree, what's up?  Oh!  You had Bridget showing you how to decorate cookies?!  Awesome, let's try that out soon!"

So, let's recap:  She inspires me.  She is on an adventure in the country with her husband like I am on an adventure with mine in another country.  She is doing a give away that you should all enter, because I am pretty sure I can't, because of the whole " U.S. Resident" part.  I don't think we're technically U.s Residents any more.  But I am going to check any way.  I just asked Red for one of these for Christmas because mine is old.  Not too old, but a new one would be awesome.  Especially for picture printing.

Any way, you should really keep up with her.  She's a sweet gal.

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