Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A little blue slip... or ten.

After going to Hiroshima to check out ToysRUs a couple of weeks ago, I decided to finish up Christmas for Pumpkin Online.  Don't get me wrong, there was a great selection, I just had a hard time figuring it all out.  I wasn't able to be certain about the age requirements, assembly instructions.. etc.  So, I hop onto Target.com, aware that it could take a long time to get all the way here with cheaper shipping, I wanted to start early.  As I check out, I change my billing/shipping info to our new address, and click "check- out".  I only missed one thing, the shipping address hadn't changed.  Pumpkin's Christmas was on the way to NC!  I call the Target help line, and some woman starts talking in Japanese.  I try again, same person, same language.

Finally, I just decide it will probably get forwarded here, right?!  I mean, we gave the post office our forwarding address!  Psh, we're smart, I got this.

Then, I track the packages about a week later.  Delivered.  Hm, that's not really how I was hoping it would work out.  My amazing neighbor is all " Hey, there was a package out side your house, so I picked it up for you.  Want me to return it?"
" uh, Yeah!"  I tell her there should be a few more coming in, but I am just so thankful she would do it!  So, I re-order her Christmas presents from Amazon.com which is quickly become my most favorite shopping site!

Then, yesterday comes around.  I buckle Pumpkin in the stroller on a beautiful Monday morning, get in the elevator and head across the street and around the corner. I open up my cute little P.O. box and take out a couple of blue slips, indicating packages! Then, I reach in to double check, just to make sure there isn't any more...  about seven more fall out.  I have ten blue slips in my hand, a stroller in the other.  The lady standing behind me mentions something about how happy that is " It would be even happier if I had a car!" Or if I could drive... Or if I had my cell phone  to call my husband who can drive AND has a car... She says " Oh, I could load them up and take them for you!"  For real?!  My day has been made.  So thankful for good Samaritans just hanging around!

We load up the majority of the shipment from Amazon, and, two packages from Target.  That means we have a couple of " multiple" gifts.  Looks like we will be donating to Toys for Tots! This wonderful helper gets to my building before me, grabs a shopping cart, starts to load up the packages, and puts me in the elevator with it!  Bless her heart!

I get home, find my cell phone in the toy box.  Don't you wonder how it got in there..  and call C.  He's like, " wait for me!  wait for me! I'll be home for lunch and I want to open them with you."  So I sat there.  For an hour and half, surrounded by packages!  Resisting the urge to slash through the tape and open them all, I put them up high, and played with Ava in her room.  On the ground.  Patience has never been my strong point.

Needless to say, the packages were opened, wrapped, bowed and put under our tree.  Well, stacked behind it.  Life with a toddler!

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