Sunday, May 9, 2010

Starting Over

I know, I know. The other blog died a slow, painful death. I promise I won't let that happen again! Well, at least I'm going to try.

A little back story:

C- A wonderful, loving man who chose to serve his country as a United States Marine. He gets up early, stays at work late, and sometimes faces leaving his family and comfort of his home to go overseas. He is strong, and makes me laugh really, really hard. He also tells me what I need to hear when I'm being stubborn.

Ava- The most precious, perfect surprise God has ever blessed me with. She is happy, laughs all the time and loves to be in constant movement. As long as there is movement, little bit is happy.

Then me- I married my best friend in December of 2008, had Ava in December of 2009 ( we don't like to waste time) and I'm still waiting on my 21st birthday. ( I find it necessary to include my age because I will probably touch on being a young mom through out the blog. ) ( I'm going to stop using parenthesis now). I am by no means a writer, photographer or anyone that has a certain talent I am going to showcase on here but my family lives really far away and I like to tell people cute things my kid does.


flygirl07 said...

EEK! This makes me happy!!

Erica said...

I am super happy that you are doing this. Facebook is great and all for posting pictures, but sometimes the story behind the picture is necessary! Love you!

fay said...

I love this! Thanks for doing it! OK. Now I have to get back to studying. Really.