Thursday, May 13, 2010

Quick! Hide the chocolate chips!

I am blogging during naptime. Which really, I feel is much better than blogging during play time. Because then, I would lose out on the fun of singing, and scooting and "finding my voice" which in case you didn't know, can be very loud at times.

The thing is, C is getting healthy. Which, yeah I try to do most of the time but he's honestly just taking it a step farther than I thought he would. He's taking vitamins. lots of them. He's eating bananas for lunch and grilling chicken and eating broccoli. He bought fruit pops so when he was craving something sweet he could eat one of those. He ordered a grilled chicken Ceasar Salad when we went out to eat. You would think that this would get me on the bandwagon right? " Oh, he's so healthy, I should do that too." Honestly though, I want sweets more. I'm not even the one dieting hardcore and I am having the cravings. We don't buy too many sweets at the store, since they will get eaten too quickly, they are too tempting and too bad for you. I figure if I honestly want something sweet, I'll have to want it badly enough to take the time to make it, and then clean up my mess. I'm a really messy "cook". So instead, I grab a handful of chocolate chips, some almonds and some peanut butter. It cures me. I don't want something sweet as bad. I'm good now, I can drink a glass of water and be just fine. The only problem is, I can't do it around C. He just gives me this look. The kind of look that tells you, this isn't really healthy. Go get a fruit pop. I know it's my own guilt telling me this and not really C. But when he calls to tell me he's on his way home, I make sure the chocolate chips and peanut butter are nicely put in their cabinet homes and I'm drinking a nice big glass of water.

I think I'm going to have to go get some vitamins before our big Florida trip. And a spray tan.

1 comment:

Jaclyn said...

You crack me up....I have found that the more I try to eat healthy, the more I crave sweets. The bad part is, I normally don't eat very many sweets. I did start buying the mini chocolate chips or the mini bags of m&ms to settle a craving.

I told D I didn't mind being the fat one on the beach, but I wouldn't be the pale, fat one. I will at least get a spray tan before we go.