Tuesday, June 1, 2010

There are a few things to blog about

But none are completely ready. One thing is, I have decided to try and make my own wipes. The task turned out to be a little less simple than I thought it would be. It's so annoying to have to separate the wipes and the diapers during changing since we use cloth. I didn't realize I would have to hem these things. I don't have a sewing machine ( *gasp*), nor will I be buying one since my new home in Japan will not have a place for it, just like this one doesn't. If it does by chance have a special sewing room, I will learn to make dresses. Mark my words. Any way, the whole hemming every single wipe by hand thing is a little slow moving, so just be patient with me here. Next time I make Ava's food, I'm taking pictures for that too.

Anyway, since I don't have any special projects to blog about, I'll just fill you in on the long weekend. C came home early on Friday after a dental appointment and we hung out with Ava, some friends and got ready for Saturday morning. Saturday morning, we had a garage sale. During this sale, we learned a few things:
  • I am not good at bargaining. We've established that I am no longer to make prices, haggle, or talk to customers about buying our things. I give into sob stories way too easily and just focus on getting rid of our things, not making money.
  • Old people don't like our stuff. Almost every older person that came through said something along the lines of " oh, you must have gotten rid of a lot already.." Or, " this is all you have?" Look, lady. We've only been married a year and a half. We only have one baby and she's not even 6 months old. We think we have a LOT of junk. Don't burst our bubble.
  • Staying out there hours after you think any one will be coming by pays off. We had 3 visitors from the hours of 11-4.
In the flow of visitors, a group of hispanic women came through. The woman's daughter was translating and it was hard to communicate everything you wanted to, especially when her daughter wasn't paying much attention. After they left, I turned to C and said " How hard would that be? To be in a country that you don't know the language, and you had to constantly rely on some one else to help you communicate. You would have a hard time driving, shopping, asking directions.." He just stared at me. Then I realized, oh yeah. That's going to be us.
I'll be getting a copy of Rosetta Stone here soon.

Sunday, we went to celebrate the homecoming of one of our friends. He was deployed to Afghanistan and made it home safely earlier this week. It was great to see him back with his wife and son, it was great to see him flipping chicken on the grill and laughing. It was really great to watch them hug. That's a hug you know is being appreciated after time away like that. Made me feel the warm fuzzies!

Today, we headed off to the beach! It was Ava's second time to go, the first to really go and stay though. It was a complete blast. Let me back up, we went for mexican food first. While we were there, our waitress came up to us asking if we had seen the people who had just left. She was asking kind of like she was in a hurry, and I said no, thinking that they had walked out on their bill or something. She said " They just paid for everything. Since it's Labor day or something." It left us in shock and awe that someone did that! ( and that it was that obvious our husbands are Marines.) I wish that I could have seen them, talked to them, or thanked them. I just thought it was completely awesome. Then, we bought an umbrella, sunglasses, towels and headed off to the beach!
Happy Memorial Day!


Ang & Jon said...

I love that last picture of Ava! So freaking cute.
I would've came to your Yard Sale. But I had work... Sorry =(
Also; thats so awesome that you had your meal paid. It happend to Jon and I when we went to a Jap. restraunt called yaktori house... You would love since in one of you post you love food like that. Maybe we should go??? :) Anyways We gave up our seat for a larger party (they where all doctors) and waited an extra 5 min to be seated.... Jon and I order a lot of food. and needless to say they paid for out entire meal. :) LOVE YOU

Mrs. S said...

I'm kind of lol and "huh" that the waitress didn't know what day it was. Loser!

Anyway, you're cute. Love your face!