Friday, July 23, 2010

I will be calm. I will be focused.

I just got an e-mail about my 7 Month old: WEEK FOUR. It was talking about when and how, they start to WALK. ::blink::
Then, as I was looking at the calender, I realized that my birthday was just in a week and a half. then, a few days later, I should be heading to visit family for a week or so and go to a reunion! When I get back, we will have TWO WEEKS to get ready for the movers to take our stuff to Japan. Then, leave for a month. Visit Arkansas and Texas, come home, the movers take our things and a few days later WE FLY TO JAPAN.
A million things are running through my mind:
What about all of our stupid junk we have? What do we need to take on our express shipment and what can wait to go in our household goods shipment? What bills do we need to cancel and when?!

I have a feeling I will be making lots of lists, doing lots of googling, and lots of praying.

1 comment:

fay said...

You will get it all done! I believe in you!